Vintage 16mm Transparancies from my 16-MG
Me on the rocks on the St. Croix River age
14, Dad raking at the Cabin
Dad bringing up firewood, Mom wiping her
Lunchtime at the Cabin and me actually
splitting wood, age 14.
Taken with the Minolta 16-MG I bought at
age 13 (1971 - Paid $65 for it at Century Camera in Downtown
Minneapolis) which I still own today. I imagine on some sort of
Ektachrome as the colors are way to faded for these to be Kodachrome.
Probably an E-4 film back then! The actual slides are very faded. I
had to crank up the contrast quite a bit in the computer, and as you
can see the colors are less than brilliant, plus since I found these
floating around in a junk box in the attic they're filthy and I
cleaned them best I had patience for.